Sunday, February 3, 2013

So you want to improve your typing...

how to touch typeTeaching the touch-typing method is not always the most glamorous thing.  It's not a skill that's tested for proficiency by the state, and we are not compared to other countries on our students typing prowess.  However, it IS IMPORTANT!
For our curriculum in 6th Grade technology, we are using and the students have their hands covered with manila folders and we use the lessons online to learn touch typing.  The proven method that works is simple...PRACTICE, PRACTICE, and more PRACTICE!!
However, let's face it, typing for 45 min. isn't easy.  It's almost as if you have to get your hands and eyes "in shape" for it.  So I've outlined a typical class period.

1. Learning Target for bellringer:  Students will improve their web searching skills using ""  The first 7-8 min. are used working on this valuable skill.
2. Learning Target for class:  Learn reaches for keys outside of homerow, students will use touch typing method to complete practice lessons.  (25-28 Min.)
3. The last 8-10 min. of class are used to learn some web 2.0 tool.  There are anchor activities on my blog listed HERE.
4. I have also found some GREAT websites to help students improve those keyboarding skills and that's the meat and 'taters of this blogpost.

A recent article found here:LINK outlines 8 top tools.
I'm not a fan of all 8, so i'm going to post the links to the ones that I approve of.

how to touch typeThis one is nice because it is so simple.  However, I wouldn't recommend for early readers because they don't always use real words.  The tutorial is good, and you don't have to register.  You can customize the lessons by importing text from a website.  I would use this to import things that we want kids to learn about, like pages from wikipedia or online encyclopedias.
You can do different languages and different keyboard styles, too.  It's good to show students that there is not just one way that people use to type, but there are best practices.


This site is the most like the edutyping that we use for class.
 Best things about it:
2. teachers can set up their classes and keep track of progress.
3. 12 different languages and 26 different keyboard layouts.
4. Games are pretty good.
5. Did i mention that it's FREE?

This site is pretty neat, and comes to us from England.  You can type up to date lessons from the BBC news.  It's good, but make sure you students know their numbers and their symbols before you send them in that direction.  You can also upload any text you want to create custom lessons, which is a nice touch.  Lot's of good games for typing here, too.

Typing Games:

Major HT: 

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