Monday, January 28, 2013

Someone you just met...

Follow the instructions in the graphic above, but write your response in the comments:  NOTICE!!  There is a Fiction Option, which you are more than welcome to take:
REMEMBER:  Write in complete sentences (You need atleast 7 -SEVEN).
You can write it in word, or use pictures to tell your story using powerpoint.... If you do this, make sure you email it to me!

Write your name in the comment box and make sure you choose anonymous from the dropdown.

When finished, go to


Monday, January 7, 2013

not just under your bed or in the closet...

In the comments section, write 5 sentences, with the sentence in the graphic as your first sentence, (yes, it counts as one of the 5).
If there is someone or something out there in the world that is a "monster" and impacts you or others that you care about, now is your chance to tell the world how you feel.

Make sure you write in complete sentences and DON'T FORGET YOUR NAME!!
--Picture courtesy of