Monday, November 5, 2012

Undo or Re-do??

Please post your response in the Comments:
REQUIREMENTS: Students need at least 3 complete sentences forming a paragraph. 


  1. I would do the thing that i did yesterady beacuse it was a weekend and i had fun a i didnt do noting bad

    David magana

  2. I would go rock climbing with my friend again. It was really fun and we laughed a lot. This time though i would try i little bit harder and make it to the top more often instead of just giving up.

    By Jordan

  3. I would re-do going to Texas Roadhouse. Because my younger siblings weren't there just Kaden, (he's 10) and my mom, dad, and myself. I want to re-do it because it was quiet for once and I enjoyed it a lot.

    Mackenzie McClure

  4. I wish i didn't throw my IPOD in the air and try catching it. i dropped it and the screen broke. it still works but i don't like it cracked, so I going going to get it fixed. it cost 120$ to get fixed.

    Evan ponce
    6th period OWF

  5. What I would do yesterday is downlode more games on my Ipod. I would do that because I would get to play more games. I want to play more games because its fun to play games.

    Damian Moreland

  6. I would of done something different last week when we were doing our table.One thing is not have so much things to do. Second i would have more text in there.Last i would undo the table because it was hard to do.

    Jacquelyn Sanchez

  7. I would try not to get kicked out of socail studies.I would also try to do better in my classes.I would also try to help my parents take care of the kids since im the only older brother.

    Angel Vasquez

  8. i wish i could undo Saturday. because i left my phone at my cousins house. and she lost it.


  9. If I could do my weekend over again I would of never of went too Laurens party lol . And if i didnt go too the party, I would of never been in trouble with my dad and my weekend would of been better ! (:

    -Aaliyah Fenceroy

  10. 1) what would i do different if i did yesterday over i would go to the mall instead of the movies

    2)what would i do different if i did the week over i would go to my friends party then babysit for $10

    Alexis Harper

  11. I would redo yesterday and clean my room instead of watching TV.

    -Kira Petty :D

  12. i would redo diefferntly- would not yell at my mom!

    Lexi Owings

  13. If I got to do yesterday again I would skip practice. I would lay down and sleep the whole day. Then, I would eat all my mom's roast. That is what I would do if I could do yesterday over again.
    -Black Jack

  14. Vanessa Gonzalez
    i wish i could redo my saturday night... I had two places i could choose from... but i went somewhere boring...

  15. cierra ahlers

    Iwould take back last week because i was myself to anybody i was so depressed. Life was tough last week and I treated everyone like they were my enimies. I felt like the world was against me.I feel really bad from last week I would gladly take it back.

  16. Roman Gonzales
    I would like to beat some kids in basketball again with a blowout. I would play basketball with my family and cover my brother even better than i was doing. i would move my foot and face in basketball with my family once i got a cut lip and triped.

  17. Yesterday I would probably.. go shopping. And sleep all day. And just be lazy all day before school today.

  18. If I had to last week over again what would I do? I would pay more attention in math class and mayber I wouldve got a better game on my test. I wouldve remembered my friends birthday and them something better then a pack of nerds and another friends birthday and actually say Happy Birthday. Another thing is to make the decisoin not to go to my cousins birhtday party cause it was lame thats what I would do over again. Esperanza Ruelas :)

  19. if i could redo yesterday i would because i got alot of splinters and would have not have done stuff yesterday knowing i would get splinters
    lamborghini Gallardo

  20. .I would buy more pop for myself. the next day I would play with my cat and dog more. I would make my own food.
    Abby Gettner

  21. I would redo what i did yesterday will be not hiting my brother in the face. I should have just walked way form him not hit him. thats what i will redo what i did yesterday.

    By:Eduardo Cruz

  22. I would do yesterday over agian becuase I had a huge headake from geting on the computer all day. I would not have sat on the computer all day. I would rather have sleep all day then have that headake. Riley Collins

  23. If I could relive what I did yesterday I would've stalked Mercy around the mall. She told me she went to get some nice earings and I wanted some and I didn't go with her. I would have had some nice earings right at this moment. I also would have texted Emily on Halloween to get me some candy.I would have stayed home and eaten popcorn and watched scary movies all day.
    ~Celeste D.~
    P.S. I accidently commented with one sentence takling about stalking Mercy at the mall. I hope you undersstand. :)

  24. i would of have went outside more josua snyder

  25. last week i would redo going phesant hunting with my dad cause i dont get to spend very much time with him riley jasa

  26. If i could do yesterday again i would sleep all day. I would do this because i am really tierd today. Maybe if i slept more i wouldn't be tierd today.
    sarena payte

  27. I would redo going to leif erickson with Cassandra Cook. I would do this because we played this robot game we have been playing for the past four months. We play this game on rollerskates and blades.
    ~Raylee Hudson~

  28. If I got to do yesterday over agian, I would of tried to find ways to be active inside since it was realy cold out
    - Troy Pokett

  29. i wouldn't talk to Hayes so much. because when i talk to him he usually gets in trouble.
    now he isn't my friend and i feel terrible.
    Anthony Wurth.

  30. If I got to do last week over again... I would watch the movie "The Cabnin In The Woods". Because it was great it was funny and scary. So I would definately do it again.

    Donnie Mohr
    Peiod 1 ETR

  31. I would re-do yesterday. I would re-do the couple of hours i had before i went to my friend's house. I didn't do much but sit there and wait for the time to hit 2:00. I would re-do that and get something done.
    Jake Lee

  32. I would re-do because this week i went to my first soccer game.I played in the soccor game it was fun. And our team won and i would want to re-do that again.:)
    Kathy Jurado

  33. If I could redo yesterday I would've went to bed earlier, because I'm so tired. Also if I could redo yesterday I would go to the movies again, because my sister and I saw Pitch Perfect and it was funny. If I could redo my weekend I would spend it with my dad again , because it was so much fun!
    Elizabeth Clarey 1 ETR

  34. If I could redo yesterday I would've want to go back and drive my aunts golfcaurt because it was the first time I drove a golfcaurt and I did pretty good it was so much fun.
    If I would redo last week then I would've went to fun gym friday its really fun because it keeps you busy, theres so much stuff to do there.
    Gabby Cruz 1ETR

  35. If i got to do last week over again i would do more things or make that week more fun then just stay home almost the whole week i would go shopping or go see a movie, go rock climbing, bowling,or rollersakting because staying home all week is very boring so i would do something, anything, everything!!!
    McKenzie Bentson

  36. If I were to do last week over again I would look at my grades.Also I would finish unfinish work.Last I would have completed my assingments. Matthew Christoffers

  37. I would go back to last week where instead of going to a friends house all week. Hanging out with my sister and spending time with her. We barely ever hang out and I think we should bond more.
    - Cambrie Olson

  38. If I could do something differnetly from yesterday I would stay a little less time at my aunts house for so long, so my mom won't be so mad at me.

    Bridget Ortiz

  39. play xbox 360. why, because its the only time I
    actsualy getto stay home. Its the good in thing our home that actsualy wurth playinng. That and its the only time I can be with family. So yes I wood wreado this weekend.

  40. Ummm i wish i didn't go over my txting limit because now i don't have a phone. And now i cant talk to my friends and i have to use the home phone. And im grounded for a really long time and i cant go anywhere.
    Trinity Anderson

  41. I would like to do yesterday day over. Because me and mt best friend went to the movies we skated together she felled and it was funny and after that the next day we went outside to it was time for use to go to the movies with our other friend we went to go see the prossecion.we ate POPCORN,CANDY, and more then we went home then we went on facebook and youtube then we put a video on youtube of he singing .

  42. If i can redo a day it would be when i went to kings pointe. I was vey excited to go because it was going to be my very first time there. I had fun all day and my best memory would be when i went on a kinda huge water slide. That is the day i would redo.

    Socorro Figueroa

  43. If I can redo a day it would be when I went to Wild Water West. I was excited because I wanted to get wet and swim,I told my friends to go on the big water slide with me. When I went on the big water slide i got scared because it felt like i was going to fall off. After i got done riding to big water slide I went to the consection stand and bought a cookie. And then I went to go swim.

    Tawny Freemont

  44. If I could do last week over again I would go to my friends house.I would skateboard.I would draw.

    Jesus Gonzalez 11/12/2012

  45. If i coud redo yesterday? I woud go to my frends house. To see if he coud come over. this is Ismael gomez

  46. I would re-do yesturday.Because i when shopping and i wanted to buy a sweater or jeans but i didn't. I only bought a brown shirt. So thats why i would re-do yesturday so i could buy more stuff.

    alexis hundley etr

  47. If i could repeat yesterday i would go back and go to the store with my sister. And get my favorite candy lemon 7.And so my mom wont get mad at me that i just ditched.

    Diana Mendez

  48. If I were to go back yesturday, i would go to the mall or i would enjoy the weekend with my family. I would also change the weather if I could. If it were last week again I woild stay home and skip oout school or i would just go for an hour. - Nancy Leon M.

  49. iwould go back in time to last night because i wanted to help my cousin with poptropica,he needs to pass super villin island.also i would play my poptropica,i need to finish mystery trian isaland.i would also go to the time were i needed a new mp3 player, i need mp3 player with a radio on it, so im getting one on christmas.
    name: yesenia orduno

  50. if i got to do last week again i would try to stay more active.

    sincerly, FELIX ROCHA

  51. Hi my name is jesus and I want to see a moive at the mall and beyd a game at gamestop.The moive was scrry. Then it was time to go sleep and I couldint sleep so I played the game I had butt the was so cool but had to go to sleep.
    The End

  52. i would restart that day and consen trait on hunting. and shoot the 10 piont buck that was on a dead spint. if i missed i could at least say i shot at it

    noah bootsma

  53. Yesturday I would have worn pants while directing for my church when it was only 25 degrees. My legs were freezing and I was out there in shorts for an hour. I wish I would have worn pants because it was cold.
    Ross Meyer

  54. I would go to adventure-land again. So I can go to the space shot and log ride like, 20 more times. And like, try other rides that I didn't get to the last time I got there.

  55. going to the movies.
    i would try not to get in trouble.
    i would play football again

    jose garcia

  56. if i got to reedo yesturday i would wake up early and then go to my freinds house and play the Ps3 with him.Then I'll go to the mall and get a batman thing or backpack or something with batman on it.Then I'll go home and go on facebook and then go to sleep(:

    Alan Ruiz

  57. If i could do yesturday all over again i would probably do my four missing assignments so that way i dont have a REALLY bad grade in pre-algebra. Also i would have probably listened to my parents more because i got in a lot of trouble for not listening. And do my chores because i have a lot to do today when i get home -Alexis

  58. tanner date 11/12/12

    I would be better that day. Id will not jump , run, and yelling at my house.I would be have more fun at my houes and be better at my mom.
    want I re-live my day

  59. If i could go back to 2 years ago. It would be to have stayed and lived in California. Why? because i think it's really nice there and most of my family lives there.
    - Brianna.

  60. I would like to do friday over again because it was a fun girl scout sleep over at the YMCA.
    We got to swim untell midnight and at midnight we got to eat pizza and then we whent to play games or watch a movie and then we got donutes in the morning.

  61. I would probblably listen more oftern because he did yell at me for a couple of things. Like I held the chair up and he yelled at me to put it down and i did but i backed talked him.
    I was talking when he was telling us to stop talking.
    This happened last thursday by the person that is better then Ross Joe Petrik

  62. There is something that I wish I could redo very much. It was on October 31st. A friend lost their spot in Science, because I talked to them too much. We had a Test that day, so I challenged science teacher to give the good friend her seat back if I got an A+. I had studied hard, so I was sure that I was going to get all questions right. I ended up getting one wrong, and I felt super bad. I felt terrible during the test, thinking I was going to miss some questions. And on top of it, the person next to her, also a friend, got an A+, so she got to move along with my other good friend, so I was stuck with no girls to talk to, making it boring and sad. I wish I could redo that test very much, I would be very happy. I would have my friends back.


  63. I would change everything that happened yesterday. I would change the attitude that I had yesterday. Alan Cabrera

  64. If I can re-live a moment of my life,
    I would want to re-live that moment when i met my best-friend. It happened a long time ago but i still remember the exact place, and how much fun we had. So that's what i would want to re-live

  65. If I could do last week over I would make so I didn't have to clean my room.Because my room is always dirty. My mom is always bugging me to clean my room. Chris Craft

  66. what I would do differently if it could be yesterday over again is go to my friend's house.I would help her in math and then we would play games. Then we would practice the flute.Then it would be time for me to leave.

  67. I would do yesterday over again because I went to church with my friend Alec. After church we helped out with the snacks and had a chili cook off. That is why i would do yesterday over again.
    Brenden Witt

  68. I would like to go back to last week and redo with my friends.We went to the park,the store.
    We bot lots of junk food. My friends and I had fun.

  69. 1.I would of helped my mom.woudnt get her mad.And would of helped her clean. orlando mojica

  70. 11/12/2012
    On Saturday my friend and my cousin and I.we were playing outside on the rain. and we whet on trouble.
    Luz Gonzalez

  71. If i could do yesterday over again, i would look up a different cupcake recipe.


  72. If I could redo last week i would redo falling off a trampoline. I would redo not to forget to do my homework. I would redo baking a cake.

    Bryan Ceasar

  73. Hayley Schlink
    If I could do last week over again I would change the way I acted .
    I would go in every day during T.A. and would get my work caught up and turned in on time.
    Also, I would make sure that my dad and family know how much I appreciate them.
